The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       ExtUtils::AutoInstall
  DSLIP:       bdppp
  description: Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
  userid:      AUTRIJUS (Autrijus Tang)
  chapterid:    3 (Development_Support)

    Module::Build ExtUtils::MakeMaker


    While updating my OurNet-BBS CPAN dist's Makefile.PL, I ran into
    the need of several configure features related to determining
    PREREQ_PM's value by default:

    - letting user enable/disable optional dependencies. - support sane
    defaults by probing for the machine's capability - use to
    download them on demand, whether inside a cpan install or not. -
    enable/disable the associated tests automatically. - request for
    specific dist versions instead of the newest.

    Since I noticed several existing perl application shares similiar
    functionalitiesgbarr's modules springs to mind), I wonder if it's
    possible to collect such features into a simple interface.

    Hence, I wrote ExtUtils::AutoInstall as a proof-of-concept.

  enteredby:   AUTRIJUS (Autrijus Tang)
  enteredon:   Tue Oct 16 19:22:48 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::AutoInstall     bdppp Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN   AUTRIJUS

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