>>>>> On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 16:22:15 -0700, "Kurt D. Starsinic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  > On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 01:45:54PM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
 >> I think we should not let people submit new top-level module names
 >> without extra work/steps/justifications etc.
 >> And along with that add a mechanism to request a new top-level category::*

  >     I agree that those are good ideas.

  >     Now, who's going to bell the cat?  ;^)

I'm still catching up, sorry for the long silence on this thread.

The form for namespace submission makes that clear to the user from
the beginning. It reads:

    Name of the module

    Please try to suggest a nested namespace that are based on an
    existing root namespace. New entries to the root namespace are
    less likely to be approved.

and goes on further down:


    Please discuss your reasoning about the namespace choice, the
    uniqueness of your approach and why you believe this module should
    be listed in the module list. Especially if you suggest a new
    rootlevel namespace you are required to argue why this new
    namespace is necessary.

I expected the extra work would come when somebody answers them after
the submission that the name is inappropriate. Currently answering is
the only way to veto a namespace. Any admin can approve by clicking,
nobody can disapprove without voicing an opinion. That seems
reasonable to me.

Can you suggest a different procedure?


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