>>>>> On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 23:10:43 +0200, "Perl Authors Upload Server" 

  > The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  >   modid:       SysConfig
  >   DSLIP:       adpOa
  >   description: Class for describing system configuration
  >   userid:      PATRICK (Patrick Devine)
  >   chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
  >   communities:
  >     comp.lang.perl

  >   similar:
  >     none

  >   rationale:

  >     Designing an operating system installer can be a fairly daunting
  >     and complex task. There are a myriad of ways to install a computer
  >     including installing a set of packages, a set of files (such as from
  >     a tarball) or even straight bit-for-bit disk imaging. Ultimately,
  >     however, each one of those installation methods have a number of
  >     different pieces of common configuration data, such as network
  >     address settings, mouse and keyboard settings or even file
  >     partitioning schemes. SysConfig.pm is not a system installer, but
  >     rather it is an object class with methods which provide a uniform
  >     way of describing how to install a system. Ultimately you can use
  >     one of the SysConfig classes such as SysConfig::Kickstart or
  >     SysConfig::XML which will describe all of the bits of system
  >     configuration necessary to get an installer up and running.

This looks very Linux specific or maybe even RedHat specific, so I'd
recommend Linux::SysConfig or RedHat::SysConfig.


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