I would like to obtain a CPAN userid.  I am the author of a Tk
directory selection module, Tk::Dirselect, and have been asked to make
it available on CPAN.  It has been discussed on and posted to
comp.lang.perl.tk, and is fairly widely used already.=20

Required info:
Web Page: http://www.indexing.ca/kristi/
Prefered userid: KRISTI
Module description: Tk:: DirSelect
This widget allows the user to navigate drives and directories and
select a directory.  On Win32 systems, DirSelect uses the
Win32API::File module to obtain a list of available drives, and the
Tk::DirTree widget to browse them.  On Unix systems it is simply a
dialog box with a DirTree in it.=20

This widget was needed because widgets written for Unix sysyems (such
as Tk::FileSelect) don't allow the user to browse local and mapped
drives under Windows, and the  ones adapted for Win32 systems that do
allow this (such as Tk::GetOpenFile) don't allow the user to select a
directory instead of a file.

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