Hullo. I ask the module naming gods for advice. Here is my goat. I'm about to finish writing a module which parsers Java .class files and reports the structure of the file by returning an object containing all information in the file: constants, methods, actual JVM bytecode etc. The module will eventually expose JVM bytecodes and, well, things to make a Perl / Parrot JVM implementation possible.
The Classfile is strictly part of the JVM and not of Java, so my best guess so far is JVM::ClassFile. I'm not a big fan of modules named ...Parser, as surely everything does that these days (that's worse than having XML:: everything). However, JVM:: is a new namespace (there's already Jvm though, should I use that instead?). OK, basically, my question is: Is JVM::ClassFile ok? Copious example excerpt from test file: my $c = JVM::ClassFile->new("HelloWorld.class"); ok(ref($c), "Loaded HelloWorld"); ok($c->magic == 0xCAFEBABE, "Good magic"); ok($c->version eq '45.3', "Right compiler version"); ok($c->class eq 'HelloWorld', "Right class"); ok($c->superclass eq 'java/lang/Object', "Right superclass"); ok(scalar(@{$c->constant_pool}) == 29, "Full constant pool"); ok(scalar(@{$c->access_flags}) == 1, "Right number of class access flags"); ok($c->access_flags->[0] eq 'super', "Correct super class access flags"); ok(scalar(@{$c->interfaces}) == 0, "No interfaces"); ok(scalar(@{$c->fields}) == 0, "No fields"); ok(scalar(@{$c->methods}) == 2, "Right number of methods"); my $method = $c->methods->[0]; ok($method->name eq '<init>', "<init> named"); ok($method->descriptor eq '()V', "<init> descriptor"); ok(scalar(@{$method->access_flags}) == 0, "<init> has no access flags"); ok(scalar(@{$method->attributes}) == 1, "<init> has 1 attribute"); ok($method->attributes->[0]->name eq 'Code', "<init> has Code attribute"); $method = $c->methods->[1]; ok($method->name eq 'main', "main named"); ok($method->descriptor eq '([Ljava/lang/String;)V', "main descriptor"); ok(scalar(@{$method->access_flags}) == 2, "main has two access flags"); ok(scalar(grep { $_ eq 'public' } @{$method->access_flags}) == 1, "main has access flags public"); ok(scalar(grep { $_ eq 'static' } @{$method->access_flags}) == 1, "main has access flags static"); ok(scalar(@{$method->attributes}) == 1, "main has 1 attribute"); ok($method->attributes->[0]->name eq 'Code', "main has Code attribute"); ok(scalar(@{$c->attributes}) == 1, "Right number of attributes"); ok($c->attributes->[0]->name eq 'SourceFile', "SourceFile attribute present"); ok($c->attributes->[0]->value eq '', "SourceFile attribute value correct"); Many thanks O holy Gods I bow to your judgement ;-), Leon -- Leon Brocard............................. Nanoware............................... ... Bad Command:(A)bort (R)etry (T)ake RAM hostage