Ok, most of my modules are now attributed to someone else. I'm sending this list to all of the volunteers, so that you may know eachother (most of the modules I wrote cooperate together).
The only uncertainety is for Carp::Datum (I'm awaiting the PAUSE ID). If noone takes the module, Christophe will grab it (he co-authored it). The only unmaintained module is Pod::PP. It will go to the referenced website. I've decided against making any new change to the modules before making the PAUSE transfer. It would be embarrassing to introduce a last minute bug and have you deal with it. ;-) I'm going to make the transfer this week-end. Thanks for picking up the code I wrote! Here's the Hall Of Fame: CGI::MxScreen PURDY Jason Purdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CGI::Test SFINK Steve Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Carp::Datum ???? Dave Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or CDE Christophe Dehaudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Getargs::Long DCOPPIT David Coppit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> LockFile::Simple VJ Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Log::Agent MROGASKI Mark Rogaski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Log::Agent::Rotate MROGASKI Mark Rogaski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Log::Agent::Logger MROGASKI Mark Rogaski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Pod::PP nobody http://www.unmaintained-free-software.org/ Raphael