The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Games::Backgammon
  DSLIP:       cdpOp
  description: Module for creating Backgammon games
  userid:      VPARSEVAL (Tassilo von Parseval)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)



    Namespace choice should be obvious. It' basically the same
    motivation as the author of Games::Chess had. Furthermore it is (as
    to yet) the only Backgammon-class so no unnecessary redundancy on

    In general, I believe this module to be of real fun to the
    programmer. It (currently) consists of the main backgammon-class, a
    board-class and an abstract Player-class that is indented to be
    subclassed. Two sample-player-classes will be supplied (a human-one
    and a at least usable computer-class with limited intelligence).
    After finishing the actual game-play (80% of that is done, dicing
    and moving already there, checking of correct moves almost done as
    well), I'll then concentrate on a special player-class for
    connecting to FIBS-servers (, the internet backgammon
    network. It'll be possible (and already is actually) to let two
    computer classes play against each other while the status-quo of the
    board is dumped in a nicely readable ASCII-graphic. The current
    design should allow for easy integration into a graphical
    environment such as Tk.

  enteredby:   VPARSEVAL (Tassilo von Parseval)
  enteredon:   Thu Nov 29 06:57:08 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Backgammon      cdpOp Module for creating Backgammon games         VPARSEVAL

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