Ricki Stern wrote: > a.. your name - Ricki Stern > b.. your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] =20 > c.. your homepage if you have one - don't have one > d.. your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 = > characters long, all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed. - I = > would like the ID rickistern
rickistern has 10 letters (more than 9) ?! > e.. a short description of what you're planning to contribute - right = > now I wrote a module which contains 3 trim functions. LTrim, Rtrim and = > Trim. These functions use regular expressions to trim the whitespace off = > of the ends. In CPAN, there's an excellent module String::Strip of Dave Cross. Look at it's function description: DESCRIPTION StripLTSpace - Removes Leading and Trailing spaces from given string StripTSpace - Removes Trailing spaces from given string StripLSpace - Removes Leading spaces from given string StripSpace - Removes all spaces from given string I do these things often, and these routines tend to be about 35% faster than the corresponding regex methods. Greetings, Andrea