On Sat, 3 Nov 2001, Ilmari Karonen wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, Nick Tonkin wrote:
> >
> > Nevertheless, in order to smooth the ruffled feathers of (my fellow) Brits
> > and other Euros, I shall change my module so that it is required to
> > provide a format specification. I only have 'us' and 'eu' at this
> > point: I suppose 'iso' would be redundant since that's how MySQL handles
> > dates.
> May I suggest 'epoch' and 'ical' as additional formats?
> Mind you, I think it might be better if you could work with the author
> of Date::ISO to combine the features of the two modules.  It seems that,
> for some reason, Date::ISO has no method to directly produce an ISO date
> string, even though it can parse them.  With the addition of such a
> method, Date::ISO should be able to do most of what your module does.  I
> have no idea to about the internal error checks in the two modules, but
> I see no reason why those could not be combined.
I was sure that there was an iso method, which output the iso formatted

rbowen@rhiannon:~% perl -MDate::ISO -le 'my $d=Date::ISO->new( epoch =>
time ); print $d->iso;'

Unfortunately, the "default" ISO date format is this year-week-day
format. At least that's what I gathered from all the web sites that I
read about this format.

Rich (Author of Date::ISO)
Nothing is perfekt. Certainly not me.
Success to failure. Just a matter of degrees.

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