The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Sort::ArrayOfArrays
  DSLIP:       RdpOp
  description: sort an array of arrays by arbitrary methods
  userid:      EARL (Earl Cahill)
  chapterid:    6 (Data_Type_Utilities)

    none I've seen for an array or arrays


    Was written to help make html pages displaying data, where column
    headers could be clicked to sort on the respective columns. Headers
    can be clicked twice to reverse the sort. A couple of simple
    conventions are used.

    1. To sort on column 1, column 4 reversed and column 0 reversed,
    simple pass the structure, the string '1,-4,-0' and any special sort
    methods. Returned is the sorted structure.

    2. For each column, a different sort method may be used. The
    default is 'aa', and I try to intelligently figure out if I should
    switch to 'na' on the fly. A code ref may also be passed for each
    column for a special sort, though there are a couple of tricks that
    circumvent the need for passing a code ref.

    'na' - numerical sort ascending, 'nd' - numerical sort descending,
    'aa' - ascii sort ascending, 'ad' - ascii sort descending, 'ra' -
    regex sort ascending, 'rd' - regex sort descending, 'la' - link sort
    ascending, 'ld' - link sort descending,

    For the regex sort, a regex is passed, with parens around the chunk
    to sort on. For example, I needed to sort on a column with either
    the line a script was on (85), or a range of lines (23 to 72). The
    regex I passed for the respective column was /^(\d+)/, which would
    get the number that started the cell and sort accordingly.

    The link sorts are just wrappers around the regex sort with the
    regex being @^<a\s+href.+?>(.+?)</a>@.

    Made doing "ORDER BY" functionality for some sql stuff I may later
    open source near trivial. Will be used for soon to be released
    Data::html2results and Data::results2html if I can ever figure out
    where to put them. Descriptions of these modules are here

    if you have ideas for a good namespace suggestion, I would like to
    hear it. The Data maintainer thinks they belong somewhere else,
    though I don't really know where.

    Module is very easy to use, and I think very useful.

    Thanks, Earl

  enteredby:   EARL (Earl Cahill)
  enteredon:   Sat Nov 10 22:11:08 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::ArrayOfArrays   RdpOp sort an array of arrays by arbitrary methods EARL

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