Over the past few years, I've been carrying around (and/or re-writing from
scratch) a very simple object base class that I like to use in my work.  I
never though to upload it to CPAN since I figured there must already be
something similar.  Well, I've started looking and I can't find anything
that fits the bill on CPAN, so I'm considering uploading it.

My base class does almost nothing.  It requires hash-based objects; it
provides very loose conventions for cascading initialization; and it
auto-creates simple scalar accessors via AUTOLOAD.  There's also a (still
experimental) "pre-compile" option for use with mod_perl, etc.

The module has historically been named XXX::Object, where XXX is some
identifier unique to the environment I'm working in at the time: my initials
for personal use, a company name for business use, etc.

Here's a usage example:

   package Person;

   use XXX::Object;
   our @ISA = qw(XXX::Object);

   sub init # Override init
     my($self) = shift;

     # Add attributes
     $self->{'name'} = undef;
     $self->{'age'}  = undef;

     # Call base class init()


   $person = Person->new(name => 'John');


   print $person->name, " is ", $person->age, " years old.";

Like I said, it's dead simple.  The only wrinkle is that the constructor:

   $person = Person->new(name => 'John');

actually calls $self->name('John') rather than setting the hash key
directly.  (To better encapsulate you, my dear... :)

I find this module useful because it is so light-weight.  It's easy to
expand upon to further constrain things, and stuff like Tie::SecureHash is
always out there if I need it.  But I've built very large class hierarchies
on my XXX::Object base class with great success.  I'd like to share my tiny
little module with the world (before Perl 6 arrives and makes it unnecessary

But now we come to naming.  What should I call this thing if/when its placed
in CPAN?  It looks like Class::* is the hierarchy of choice, but I much
prefer the expressiveness of:

    @ISA = qw(XXX::Object);

"This is-a XXX::Object."  "Is $foo a 'XXX::Object'?"  And so on.
Substituting "Class" seems odd to me.  But whatever, the problem of what
goes either before or after "Object" or "Class" remains.

All I've got so far are:



Er...or something.  And, of course, you could just tell me not to upload it
at all because there's already something similar or identical on CPAN that I
haven't found :)

So, ideas?  Suggestions?  Thanks.


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