
MRML is an XML DTD for shipping queries for multimedia servers. The goal is 
here to encapsulate queries in XML to improve interoperability in this 
quickly moving field of research.

MRML is going to be used as communication protocol in the Benchathlon 
initiative. The Benchathlon's goal is to establish a common benchmark for 
still image retrieval systems.

We would like to upload some tools that use MRML to CPAN. The goal is to 
simplify installation for Benchathlon participators, but also to spawn a set 
of Perl tools for the development and test of such multimedia applications. 

We think it would be useful for users of MRML to have MRML-specific modules 
in their own namespace. Is there another namespace that you would suggest for 
that purpose?

Of course I am open to questions.


Dr. Wolfgang Müller, assistant == teaching assistant
Personal page: http://cui.unige.ch/~vision/members/WolfgangMueller.html 
Maintainer, GNU Image Finding Tool (http://www.gnu.org/software/gift)

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