In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Tonkin) wrote:
> Um, did you bother to RTFM before slamming this proposal? You posted the snippet of the M in question, which says nearly unequivocally that "humans" expect to see one date format. You shouldn't expect busy people to go spelunking through your documentation, just to find out if you oversimplified your abstract (people in datetime are reaching the same conclusion as Philip and I). I too have a hard time understanding why one would use a niche conversion module when such a wide range of date/time tools already exists (as you already know, having based your work on the redoubtable Date::Calc). Just because tmtowtdi doesn't mean I'd hope to see a battery of RDBMS-specific *date* modules cropping up. And though I've rarely seen a problem installing Date::Calc, XS is something of a heavyweight prerequisite for such an avowedly minimal task. > In my experience it has proven much more convenient to encapsulate > these routines in their own little package that can be used > throughout multiple applications, etc. I believe that others may find > the same thing to be true. Not all others, and evidently not you. > Just some others. The logical extension of that argument is to include everything. -nat