My PAUSE ID is JOHNSCA but I have lost my password. What is the procedure for getting or resetting the password for my account so that I can upload further modules?
As a quick aside, the modules I was planning on submitting are: Tk::Carp - Redirect warnings and errors to Tk Dialogs (similar in spirit to CGI::Carp) Alarm::Concurrent - Schedule multiple alarms that can go off in any order Alarm::Queued - Schedule multiple alarms that can only go off in the order you set them Alarm::_TieSIG - Takes over $SIG{ALRM} to prevent apps from setting directly (helper for Alarm::*) The three Alarm::* modules would probably be best as a bundle. What are the conventions for creating a bundle package? Or would it be better to upload them separately? Thank you for your time, Cory Johns