Hi, I've written Tk::XML and I'de like to distribute it.
name: Christian Kruse email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: http://wwwtech.de preferred uid: ckruse The module generates Tk from XML templates. So would <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE MainWindow SYSTEM "tklang.dtd"> <MainWindow name="toplevel" geometry="200x200" title="Hello World!"> <menu name="menue"> <menu name="file" label="File"> <MenuItem name="file_exit" label="Exit" command="sub { exit 0; }"/> </menu> </menu> <Label name="hello_world" text="Hello world!" pack="side=top"/> <Button name="exit_button" text="Exit" pack="side=bottom" command="sub { exit 0 ; }"/> </MainWindow> create a 'Hello World'-Window. Regards, CK -- s s^s<DATA>se;s (([^\s]))(ord($1)%2? chr(ord($1)-5):chr(ord($1)-3))sieg;s s^s$_see; __END__ uwlsy%*Sr%kqdphv%yr%AFN4%dy%zzzyhfm3ihC*1'as'>