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I was told to refer this question to the two addresses above.
After fixing a few issues in Compress::Bzip2 I noticed that the module is no 
longer maintained (the author indicates in the README that he may not have 
time for this maintainance, the module is two years old, it no longer 
compiles on modern Linux boxes and the emails to the author are rejected 
becuase the email address is not valid anymore).

Can I start maintaining it ? (I already have a new version).
What is the procedure for such a request ? Is this the right email to ask 
such a question on ?
My cpan ID is VELTZER and the module in question is Compress::Bzip2 currently 
in version 1.00.

I already have a single module on CPAN called Meta but that is a big project 
which will take about a year to complete and is in early alpha.

- -- 
Name: Mark Veltzer
Title: Research and Development
Company: Meta Ltd.
Address: Habikaa 17/3, Kiriat Sharet
City: Holon
Zip code: 58495
County: Gush-Dan
Country: Israel
Home Phone: +972-3-5508163
Business Phone: +972-3-5508163
Extension: none
Fax: +972-3-5508163
Mobile: +972-53-514132
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Icq: 25787273
Aol: mark2776
Yahoo: mark2776
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/mark2776
CPAN id: VELTZER (http://cpan.org)
SourceForge id: veltzer (http://www.sourceforge.net)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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