Just a friendly nudge regarding our application. Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Mike Felzien -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Michael Neil Felzien | | | Process Integrated | The supreme happiness of life is the | | Engineering Design (PIED) | conviction that we are loved. | | http://www.pied.com | | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | - Victor Hugo | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl @a=("nz ujnf","nz mpwf","nz ejtdjqmjof","nfnpsz");$b="Pearl H. Felzien Born August 15, 1922 Died September 22, 1998";$c="Michael N. Felzien \nhttp://www.pied.com\nadmin\@pied.com";$nb=$b;$b=~s/^(.).*/$1erl/; $b=~y/a-z/b-y/;$lv=$a[1];$lv=~s/^...//;$lv=~y/a-y/a-z/;$d="\ n$b jt nz hsfbu $lv jo mjgf!\n";$d=~y/b-z/a-z/;print$d;$e="\tI efejdb uf";$e=~y/b-y/a-z/;print$e;for($i=0;$i<@a; $i++){$a[$i]=~y/b-z/a-z/; if($a[$i]eq$a[-1]){$f='boe nz mjgf up ifs';$f=~y/b-z/a-z/;print" $f ". $a[$i].".\n";}else{print" ".$a[$i].",";}};print"\n--$nb\n\n$c\n\n";