Yes, please! I'm not doing anything with the IO::Tty modules except
using them!
Mark Pease
Author of "Software Engineering with Perl"
Graham Barr wrote:
> Hm, this is weird.
> A while back I transfered IO::Tty IO::Pty and IO::Tty::Constant
> to Roland. And they do not show up in my list anymore. But they
> are not in Rolands list either.
> Looking in the database dump I see that the perms table still lists
> GBARR for the two IO::Tty modules but it now has PEASE listes for
> IO::Pty. But PEASE has nothing uploaded to CPAN with that name
> Andreas, I don't know if I have access to chnage this table
> via the UI in anyway. Can you change the perms for these three modules
> to be RGIERSIG
> Thanks,
> Graham.
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 01:22:25PM +0200, Roland Giersig wrote:
>>Hi Folks,
>>I recently (2001-09-06) uploaded a package named IO-Tty-0.05 containing
>>IO::Tty and IO::Pty. But now I (and others) can only find it under
>>R/RG/RGIERSIG/ but not under by-module/IO/, and the module also
>>cannot find it (probably because it's not in 02packages.details.txt).
>>It is (was) also missing in the recent uploads list (RECENT.html). Note
>>that lists and finds it OK, but not the traditional
>>I just noticed that on PAUSE I am registered for a module called IO::Ptty,
>>but not for IO::Tty. Could it be that this mismatch has anything to do with
>>it? I just browsed the docs again but could not find anything about
>>a requirement between package and module name.
>>Could somebody knowledgeable write up the detailed process how an uploaded
>>package in PAUSE finds its way into CPAN?
>>Are there any preconditions so that more than one module may reside within
>>a package?