The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Lingua::DE::Sentence DSLIP: bmpfo description: Module to split german text in sentences userid: HOLSTEN (Andrea Holstein) chapterid: 11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc) communities: similar: Lingua::EN::Sentence rationale: This module can split a german text into its sentences. It's necessary, because the English module for sentencing can not take care for the many german extra rules of using dots or other punctation marks. E.g., after every number can follow a dot like "7." and that means most "7th". Who wants good results need a specialized module for the German language. But the main function is the same as in Lingua::EN::Sentence, so it should follow the same name convention (only DE instead of EN). enteredby: HOLSTEN (Andrea Holstein) enteredon: Thu Sep 13 02:01:23 2001 GMT The resulting entry would be: Lingua::DE:: ::Sentence bmpfo Module to split german text in sentences HOLSTEN Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: