>>>>> On Sun, 9 Sep 2001 02:32:19 -0400, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> The CPAN index is listing
> base undef G/GS/GSAR/perl-5.6.1.tar.gz
> for base.pm. There's two problems with that.
> 1) base.pm in 5.6.1 is version 1.01, not undef.
The reason for that was the "our" declaration of $VERSION. At the time
5.6.1 was uploaded, PAUSE was running under 5.005_something and could
not understand the "our".
> 2) M/MS/SCCHWERN/Class-Fields-0.14.tar.gz contains base.pm version 1.97
You need to be owner of base.pm in order to convince the indexer to
accept it. Shall I make you the owner?
> As a result, modules with dependencies on base > 0 are trying to
> download perl. Users of 5.005_03 and down can't install modules
> properly.
> Andreas, if you don't have the time, could you please publish the CPAN
> indexing code somewhere so I can fix this?
I just gave you an account on PAUSE so that you can look around. Pause
code is in ~k/PAUSE. I'm not in favor of publishing the code, but I'm
very open to your suggestions. But please, do not make too many
suggestions at once, I fear I cannot digest them all.