In lists.projects.perl.modules, you wrote:
>I have a new version (1.05) of the Test::Cmd module ready in a package
>that includes an additional, new Test::Cmd::Common module. The
>Test::Cmd::Common subclass is a wrapper that provides some common
>exception-handling routines, useful for most normal command testing.
>I was just about to upload it to CPAN, when I realized that I didn't
>know if being the maintainer of Test::Cmd gave me the authority to
>create new subsidiary modules in its namespace, or if I needed run it by
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] first. So I figured I'd play it safe and check.
>If I don't hear any objections in the next day or so, I'll go ahead and
>upload. Thanks.
That sounds fine to me. There should be no problem about subclassing
the module, especially if you comply with its license terms. Miss Perl
Manners says let the T::C author know you're doing it, but there's no
need to actually seek permission.
Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"So its like an armwrestling contest between Netscape and the OS to
see who goes down first ... oooh."
-- Benno (from the Netizen quotes file)