J. Merelo wrote;
>Es::Nif : a module for checking spanish ID Number and letter; described
>in professional Perl programming (Wrox press)
Is Es:: really the best top-level namespace for this? I'm sure I
recently saw a similar module for another country, and it wasn't under a
top-level namespace indicating the language.
Also, the spanish ID number *isn't* in espanol, unless it's some meaning
of "number" that I don't understand. Espanol refers to a language
spoken in many countries in the world, and modules related to that
language should be under Lingua::ES::*.
I'd suggest putting this module under Number::ID::Spanish or similar
(see Number::Phone::US for an analogous module). And yes, I mean
*spanish* as in related to Spain, because presumably these numbers
aren't also used in, say, Mexico?
Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://infotrope.net/
"Warning: Netizen may contain traces of nuts."
-- Sharkey (from the Netizen quotes file)