The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: AI::Evolutionary DSLIP: bdpOg description: Evolutionary algorithms in PERL userid: JMERELO (J. J. Merelo) chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules) communities: perl-ai , perl-es similar: AI::Gene rationale: Another option would be Algorithm::Evolutionary (but couldn't list it in the form). Even as there have been several evolutionary algorithms in Perl released, none of them is in the shape of a OO library that can be used or extended. AI::Gene contains just a part of an evolutionary algorithm: the "chromosome". (AI|Algorithm)::Evolutionary contains several shapes of "chromosomes", along with its variation operators, and the corresponding population-level algorithms. Of the two names requested, I would go for AI::Evolutionary, since it's not a single algorithm, but a set of algorithms with a common skeleton; besides, evolutionary computation is usually placed within AI. Algorithm::Genetic has been used in the past (I think by Alex Vandiver), but wasn't finally registered; it's maybe worse because it gives the idea of a single algorithm; AI::Evolutionary will contain genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and other approaches. enteredby: JMERELO (J. J. Merelo) enteredon: Thu Sep 6 06:19:57 2001 GMT The resulting entry would be: AI:: ::Evolutionary bdpOg Evolutionary algorithms in PERL JMERELO Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: