On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 11:08:09AM -0400, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> In lists.projects.perl.modules, you wrote:
> >I believe this was discussed a while ago, but no action was taken.
> >
> >Two new interface styles are needed.
> >
> >First is 'p' for 'pragma'. This is for things like
> >Lingua::Romana::Perligata, y2k, AnyLoader, etc... that actually alter
> >the behavior of the program just by their being used.
I'm in favor of this.
> >The second is 'o' for 'other'. A lot of stuff just doesn't fit.
> >Test::Inline lets you put code in POD. What the hell kind of
> >interface is that?
I don't see how that affects what kind of interface it is. It's
still functional, OO, declarative, procedural, whatever.
- Kurt