Matt wrote:
>The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>  modid:       Image::OrgChart
>  DSLIP:       bdpOg
>  description: OrgChart generator for hash data.
>  userid:      MZSANFORD (Matt Sanford)
>  chapterid:   18 (Images_Pixmaps_Bitmaps)
>  communities:
>    Perlmonks

Hrm, I think that this would be better named Business::OrgChart
(according to the theory of "what it does, not how it does it").


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"So, which photo did you choose?"
"The one where no one is snogging or fellating anything."
        -- Renee, Skud (on Netizen staff photos)

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