
    Welcome to modules!  Your presence is appreciated.

On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 11:34:10PM -0400, Kirrily 'Skud' Robert wrote:
> So here's a quick suggestion: why don't we cut the traffic significantly
> by /dev/null-ing all the "welcome new user" and "user update" stuff?
> And, if we don't actually read or verify the "module update" stuff, that
> too.  Or if /dev/null is too strong a measure, perhaps a separate
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] list for those who actually care?

    As someone who adds a lot of the new users, I need to see the new
user notices, so that I don't waste my time trying to re-add users that
somebody else took care of.

    I don't usually have much use for the user update messages, but some
of them matter to me (particularly when an author has asked me how to do
something unusual or complicated with their account or a mailing list).
And if you don't want to read them, there's always procmail . . . .

    - Kurt

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