
    I'm wondering if my application/modules are CPAN worthy. I have
    written what I'm calling RUM ( Remote User Management ) in order to 
    create a system independent protocol for dealing with Unix users (
    uid, GECOS info, password changes, etc ), Sendmail issues (
    .forwarding, virtual E-mail addresses ), and Apache issues (
    creation of virtual hosts ). 

    This is accomplished through a daemon running on the server where
    the change is to take place, which can run different "backend"
    modules (i.e. ones specific to Red Hat Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc). 
    I've written a client library which talks this RUM protocol to the
    RUM daemon.  What I'm wondering about is whether the entire
    application should be put into CPAN or just the client the client library?
    And if so, what should they be named? 

    I'm not quiet to a comfortable release point as I'm going to be
    adding public key crypto to the protocol to protect sensitive
    password change information. However the code in it's current state
    can be found at ftp://ftp.wiles.org/pub/RUM/RUM-1.05.tar.gz The code
    is stable and has been in use for awhile at the ISP work at. 

    Any comments or suggestions are definately welcome. 
    Thank you for your time. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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