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 To: Casey West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: Taking over HTML::FromText
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 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig)
 Date: 19 Jul 2001 08:30:26 +0200
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 >>>>> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 19:56:22 -0400, Casey West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
   > Andreas, you mentioned scaping some things under the table like
   > 'override'?  Perhaps we can do all this very soon?
 Sure, your new ID is CWEST, your old is CTEWETEN, right? I need a list
 of all affected namespaces. I suppose this is all:
 mysql> select package from perms where userid='CTWETEN';
 | package                    |
 | Tie::SortHash              |
 | override                   |
 | ex::override               |
 | ex::constant::vars         |
 | ex::constant::vars::array  |
 | ex::constant::vars::hash   |
 | ex::constant::vars::scalar |
 | Parse::Text                |
 8 rows in set (0.66 sec)
 I've now given permissions to CWEST to update these namespaces. This
 means you can start uploading new versions under CWEST and later
 delete one file after the other from CTWETEN. There is no need to
 proceed in any special order. CPAN handles CWEST and CTWETEN as two
 distinct users with the same permissions on these 8 namespaces.
 If any questions remain, let me know.

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