I wish to contribute a module for Simple Interest calculations.
The file Simpint.pm is attached.
Brad Yourth
I have no home page
My preferred user-id is B-YOURTH
Module description...Math::Simpint
My module is an extension of the Math:: module.
It provides 12 functions/subroutines for computing
interest, interest rate, time/dates, present value and future value.
The module was created with h2xs and is POD documented.
Brad Yourth
## Copyright (c) 2001 by Brad Yourth ## All rights reserved. ## ## This package is free software; you can redistribute it ## and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package Math::Simpint; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; use Date::Calc qw/Date_to_Days Add_Delta_Days/; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( int_yrs int_dates rate_yrs rate_dates principal_yrs time_days time_yrs time_date fv_yrs fv_dates pv_yrs pv_dates ); our $VERSION = '0.01'; sub int_yrs { $_[0] * $_[1] * $_[2] * 0.01; } sub int_dates { my $t = dates_to_yrs( $_[2],$_[3] ); $_[0] * $_[1] * .01 * $t; } sub rate_yrs { $_[1] / $_[0] / $_[2] * 100; } sub rate_dates { my $t = dates_to_yrs( $_[2],$_[3] ); 100 * $_[1] / $_[0] * $t; } sub principal_yrs { $_[0] / $_[1] / $_[2]; } sub time_days { 365 * 100 * $_[1] / $_[0] / $_[2]; } sub time_yrs { 100 * $_[1] / $_[0] / $_[2]; } sub time_date { my $days = 365 * 100 * $_[1] / $_[0] / $_[2]; $_[3] =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/; join("/", Add_Delta_Days( $1,$2,$3,$days)); } sub fv_yrs { $_[0] + $_[0] * $_[1] * $_[2] * 0.01; } sub fv_dates { my $t = dates_to_yrs( $_[2],$_[3] ); $_[0] + $_[0] * $_[1] * .01 * $t; } sub pv_yrs { $_[0] / ( 1 + $_[1] * $_[2] * 0.01 ); } sub pv_dates { my $t = dates_to_yrs( $_[2],$_[3] ); $_[0] /( 1 + $_[1] * .01 * $t ); } sub dates_to_yrs { $_[0] =~ /(\d{4})\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/; my $d1 = Date_to_Days($1,$2,$3); $_[1] =~ /(\d{4})\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/; my $d2 = Date_to_Days($1,$2,$3); ($d2 - $d1)/365; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Math::Simpint - Perl extension to Math:: for Simple Interest =head1 PREFACE Math::Simpint contains subroutines for simple interest calculations. Subroutines are provided for these formulas I = Prt S = P(1 + rt) P = S / (1 + rt) t = I/Pr r = I/Pt P = I/rt and include the use of calendar date strings thanks to several subroutines from Steffen Bryer's Date::Calc module (which is required). =head1 SYNOPSIS use Math::Simpint; =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 int_yrs C<$interest = int_yrs( $prin, $rate, $years );> Implements I = Prt where $years is in years. Returns amount of interest. $rate is a percent, NOT a decimal. =head2 int_dates C<$interest = int_dates( $prin, $rate, "yyyy/mm/dd","yyyy/mm/dd" );> For I = Prt given two date strings as shown. First date string is start date. Returns interest earned. $rate is a percent, NOT a decimal. =head2 rate_yrs C<$rate = rate_yrs( $prin, $int, $years );> Returns the annual interest rate as a percent, given $years in years. =head2 rate_dates C<$rate = rate_dates( $prin, $int, "yyyy/mm/dd","yyyy/mm/dd" );> Returns rate % that yields $int interest on $prin between two dates. First date string is start date. =head2 principal_yrs C<$prin = principal_yrs( $int, $rate, $years );> For P = I/rt. $rate is a %, NOT a decimal. Returns principal needed. =head2 time_days C<$days = time_days( $int, $prin, $rate );> Returns number of days needed for $prin to earn $int at $rate %. =head2 time_yrs C<$yrs = time_yrs( $prin, $int, $rate );> Returns time in years needed for $prin to earn $int at $rate %. =head2 time_date C<$datestring = time_date( $prin, $int, $rate, "yyyy/mm/dd" );> Returns date at which $prin will earn $int at $rate %. $datestring is in format "yyyy/mm/dd". =head2 fv_yrs C<$futurevalue = fv_yrs( $prin, $rate, $years );> Implements S = P( 1 + rt ). $rate is a per cent. $years is in years. =head2 fv_dates C<$futurevalue = fv_dates( $prin, $rate, ""yyyy/mm/dd","yyyy/mm/dd" );> Implements S = P( 1 + rt ) between two given dates. First date string is start date. =head2 pv_yrs C<$prin = pv_yrs( $futurevalue, $rate, $years );> Implements P = S /( 1 + rt ) given $years in years. $rate is a per cent. =head2 pv_dates C<$prin = pv_dates( $futurevalue, $rate, ""yyyy/mm/dd","yyyy/mm/dd" );> Implements P = S /( 1 + rt ) given two dates. First date is start date. $rate is a per cent. =head2 dates_to_yrs C<$yrs = dates_to_yrs( "yyyy/mm/dd","yyyy/mm/dd" );> Computes number of years between two dates for some subs above. Intended primarily for internal use of other functions. =head1 EXPORT None by default. =head1 AUTHOR Brad Yourth I<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =head1 SEE ALSO Date::Calc for Date_to_Days and Add_Delta_Days functions =head1 DISCLAIMER This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut

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