The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Devel::Messenger
  DSLIP:       bdpfp
  description: Let Your Code Talk to You
  userid:      KOLIBRIE (Nathan Gray)
  chapterid:    3 (Development_Support)



    Many modules have error-handling and debug messages. I have found
    no consistent way of implementing debug messages.

    Devel::Messenger is an attempt to provide a simple debugging
    message interface. One function, 'note', is defined. A note can
    either print, warn, append to a file, or return a string. If the
    first parameter to 'note' is a SCALAR reference, the reference is
    interpretted as the debug level at which it should activate.

    Using notes in modules, particularly when activated by the test
    scripts, can generate a log of what occurs in testing, and help the
    programmer find the errors behind the elusive 'not ok.'

    I hope to add the ability to run: perl -d:Messenger on a
    script, since that might be useful also. (I might need some help
    with that, if perldebguts doesn't instruct me sufficiently.)

  enteredby:   KOLIBRIE (Nathan Gray)
  enteredon:   Tue Jul 17 17:01:38 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Messenger       bdpfp Let Your Code Talk to You                    KOLIBRIE

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