The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       CGI::ManageSession
  DSLIP:       cdpOa
  description: Base class for managing CGI state
  userid:      RRWO (Robert Rothenberg)
  chapterid:   15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)



    Originally called CGI::Session, but I'm told it's been registered
    by ZED already.

    This module is descendent class of CGI. It adds additional methods
    for managing state.

    This module differs from CGI::Persistent in that (1) it uses
    cookies, but later versions may use cookies or URLs transparently
    (2) it is a base class (includes CGI::Session::Storable which uses
    Storable so as to be fully-functional but also as an example)... one
    could adapt the module to use DBI, ObjectStores, FreezeThaw, etc.
    (3) it merely provides an object that one can use for saving state
    through hash variables; other methods attempt to save all form
    input, which is not appropriate (4) it makes some common-sense
    security checks on the session (ie, comparing REMOTE_HOST) (5)
    CGI::Persistent hasn't been updated since 1999 (ok, not necessarily
    a bad thing, but the web and Perl have evolved a lot since then)

  enteredby:   RRWO (Robert Rothenberg)
  enteredon:   Tue Jul 10 22:39:41 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::ManageSession   cdpOa Base class for managing CGI state            RRWO

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The Pause Team

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