
I would like to share the PAUSE-community and thus be able to share (as for yet) one 
module and perhaps some scripts.

Name: Tassilo von Parseval
homepage: http://www-users.rwth-aachen.de/tassilo.parseval (not yet Perl-related)
Preferred id: VPARSEVAL

Intended module to share:
Mail::MboxParser -
        A very simplified access to messages in a UNIX-mailbox. On the resulting
        Mail::MboxParser::Mail objects all header-fields plus body can easily and
        comfortably be accessed. Most methods act as a wrapper for the MIME::Tools
        to get straigt to the point of handling MIME::Entity's and attachements
        in particular. More refined things can still be done by invoking methods
        from MIME::tools directly.

Thanks for your patience,

You're not Dave.  Who are you?

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