hi, your name: guinevere liberty nell * your email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now * your homepage if you have one: nah * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters long, all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed. : liberty * a short description of what you're planning to contribute: maintaining Cwd.pm on CPAN as part of gettiung the core modules onto CPAN. thanks ===== perl -00lane '@K=map{$F[rand($>*($(%10*$$%10*$(%10*10))]} @F;for(@K){last if @a > 5; push @a, $_ if $_ && length($_) < 5} push @a, @F[rand($>*($$%10*10)),rand($<*($(%10*10))] for 0..rand($))%10;print "\n",$a=pop @a,"\n","-" x length($a);while(@a){print join " ", splice(@a,rand($#a+1),rand($))%10)}' /usr/dict/words __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/