I've looked for a module which supports simple ar archive files and found
none. So I've been coding a module and will soon be ready for an alpha

I believe the module should be called Archive::Ar since it parallels the
Archive::Tar module quite closely. Is that acceptable?

Further, I need to go through the proper motions to submit the module, and
also reserve this namespace. From the notes on CPAN, I need to:

1) Register at PAUSE
2) reserve the module in the namespace; status RIGHT NOW idPO, and
progressing to adPO when I submit the module

Correct and in that order? Anything else I'm not understanding properly from
the CPAN notes?

Also, where's the best place to fish for interesting feedback? I'm proposing
to implement not only a compliant version of ar files, but also offer
extensions to suit some obvious needs. Is comp.lang.perl.modules is the
obvious and appropriate place?

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Hamm
Technical Consultant
Sanderson Australia Pty Limited
When I grow up, I want to be a Principal or a caterpillar!
- Ralph Wiggam

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