The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Class::DBI::mysql
  DSLIP:       RdpOp
  description: Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
  userid:      TMTM (Tony Bowden)
  chapterid:    7 (Database_Interfaces)
    Discussed at length with Michael Schwern, who maintains Class::DBI



    Class::DBI is a heavily used module, making it much easier to
    create classes from database tables. However, it can only use
    functionality available across all databases. Class::DBI::mysql
    extends this functionality for people using MySQL databases,
    providing both shortcuts in setting up your schema, and new methods
    (e.g. random row retrieval and full text searching).

    It is expected that others will follow this lead and provide
    similar modules for other databases.

  enteredby:   TMTM (Tony Bowden)
  enteredon:   Mon Jun 25 11:18:45 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::mysql           RdpOp Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL           TMTM

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