
I sent the following message on Monday, but I'm not convinced it got
delivered, since I don't see it at archive.develooper.com, and I haven't
gotten a reply.

====== Forwarded Message ======
Date: 6/4/01 11:42 PM
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams)


I would like to register the following package names:

   AI::Categorize - Automatically categorize documents based on content
   Image::Timeline - Create GIF or PNG timelines
   POD::Presentation - Generates slides for presentations
     (not sure about that last name)

AI::Categorize is already on the CPAN and is the subject of upcoming
talks at YAPC and TPC this summer.

Image::Timeline is written and working, but needs documentation and some
'make test' stuff.

Pod::Presentation is still vaporware - I'm creating a set of tools
that lets you write text in POD or POD-like format, which will get
turned into a set of HTML pages suitable for presenting at a conference.
(Yes, like PowerPoint.)  The system uses HTML::Mason to create the HTML
pages, but other templating systems could presumably be patched in too. 
It's a marriage of POD input with Mason output, so I'm not sure the name
POD::Presentation tells the whole story.  Opinions?  I can't think of a
better top-level name.

====== End Forwarded Message ======

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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