>>>>> On Mon, 28 May 2001 15:26:50 +0200, Paolo Molaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Well, the story goes like this: from about January 2000 I started
> making the releases for Gtk-Perl and Kenneth kindly uploaded the files
> to CPAN. After a while I didn't get any feedback from Kenneth and
> registerd with PAUSE and started making the uploads myself.
> I think that at some point CPAN.pm started using the tarballs in
> my homedir, but it looks like now it's back to Kenneth's: I don't
> know what changed meanwhile.
You probably only tried CPAN.pm with a package name that was
introduced later, such as Gtk::lazy. In the archives I cannot find
anything that indicates a manual change.
> Anyway, if Kenneth doesn't speak up for himself, I think he is not
> against me handling the Gtk-Perl namespace for the time being:
> for what I know I hasn't worked on the Gtk module since 1999.
> And yes, 0.7006 is so much better than 0.7000 that you want it anyway.
OK, for the record, I've committed these changes to the database:
my $ins = $dbm->prepare(qq{INSERT INTO perms (package,userid) values (?,?)});
my $userid = "LUPUS";
for my $p (qw(Gtk Gtk::Gdk Gtk::Types Gtk::Atoms Gtk::Object
Gtk::ColorSelectButton Gtk::LogHandler Gtk::_LazyLoader
Gtk::XmHTML Gtk::GLArea::Constants Gtk::GLArea::Glut
Gtk::GladeXML Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage Gtk::Widget Gtk::GLArea
And then scheduled LUPUS/Gtk-Perl-0.7006.tar.gz for re-indexing. So in
an hour or so the index will reflect the change. Here's an excerpt
from the perms table:
mysql> select package, userid from perms where perms.package like '%Gtk%';
| package | userid |
| Gtk | KJALB |
| Gtk::Gdk | KJALB |
| Gtk::Types | KJALB |
| Gtk::Atoms | KJALB |
| CORBA::MICO::GtkDispatcher | OTAYLOR |
| Gtk::Object | KJALB |
| Gtk::ColorSelectButton | KJALB |
| Gtk::LogHandler | KJALB |
| Gtk::_LazyLoader | KJALB |
| Gtk::XmHTML | KJALB |
| Gtk::GLArea::Constants | KJALB |
| Gtk::GLArea::Glut | KJALB |
| Gtk::GladeXML | KJALB |
| Glade::PerlUIGtk | DMUSGR |
| Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage | KJALB |
| Gtk::Widget | KJALB |
| Gtk::GLArea | KJALB |
| Gtk::HTML | KJALB |
| Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf | LUPUS |
| Gtk::CTree | LUPUS |
| Gtk::HandyCList | SIMON |
| Gtk::LWP | LUPUS |
| Gtk::LWP::http | LUPUS |
| Gtk::io::UNIX | LUPUS |
| Gtk::io | LUPUS |
| Gtk::io::Pipe | LUPUS |
| Gtk::io::INET | LUPUS |
| Gtk::HTML::Simple | LUPUS |
| Gtk::MozEmbed | LUPUS |
| Gtk::CListModel | LUPUS |
| Gtk::lazy | LUPUS |
| POE::Kernel::Gtk | RCAPUTO |
| Gtk | LUPUS |
| Gtk::Gdk | LUPUS |
| Gtk::Types | LUPUS |
| Gtk::Atoms | LUPUS |
| Gtk::Object | LUPUS |
| Gtk::ColorSelectButton | LUPUS |
| Gtk::LogHandler | LUPUS |
| Gtk::_LazyLoader | LUPUS |
| Gtk::XmHTML | LUPUS |
| Gtk::GLArea::Constants | LUPUS |
| Gtk::GLArea::Glut | LUPUS |
| Gtk::GladeXML | LUPUS |
| Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage | LUPUS |
| Gtk::Widget | LUPUS |
| Gtk::GLArea | LUPUS |
| Gtk::HTML | LUPUS |
48 rows in set (0.05 sec)
I expect that with this change the indexer will Do The Right Thing.