Um, If you have the date as a time value (There are several parsers out there to
do this) You can do (localtime($time))[6] to get the day of the week


On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:02:51AM -0400, Rich Bowen wrote:
> In preparation for my talk at YAPC, I was trying to figure out what day of the
> week a given date was on, and could not find a simple module to do this. Yes,
> I'm sure Date::Manip does it somewhere in there. It does anything. But I was
> looking for something a little more lightweight and easy to talk about.
> I just uploaded Date-DayOfWeek, which contains Date::DayOfWeek and
> Date::Doomsday, which calculate the day of the week of any given date, and the
> doomsday of any given year, respectively.
> doomsday is an idea invented by Dr John Conway, which makes it really easy to
> figure out the day of the week of any date, by calculating a doomsday - a
> particular day of the week - which is somehow "special" in a particular year.
> More information at in case you
> care.
> I uploaded Date::Doomsday earlier this evening, but will probably be removing
> it here shortly, since it is included in this other distribution.
> -- 
> Rich Bowen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As we trace our own few circles around the sun
> We get it backwards and our seven years go by like one
>       Dog Years (Rush - Test for Echo - 1999)

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