Hey ho Here is the information you require for my request to get a directory upload area on PAUSE. * your name Scott Penrose * your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] * your homepage if you have one http://linux.dd.com.au/ * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters long, all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed. SCOTT SCOTTP SDP SPENROSE * a short description of what you're planning to contribute Parallel port driver . Cross platform, using 3 tiered API approach (currently Linux Root, Linux /dev/parport and Win32) DBIx::Safe . Safe DBI access which throws exceptions for ANY error Lots more comming, mostly work in progress or with others etc. I hope this is enough information for you. Scott --- Scott Penrose Digital Dimensions [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.dd.com.au/