I'd like to register for a CPAN userid.

name: Edward A. Kmett
homepage: http://www.kmett.com/
desired handle: EKMETT

description of pending submissions:

Parse::Lexer - A more traditional lexer than the one offered by Parse::Lex
or Lex, which is actually capable of making distinction between symbols
with information beyond the simple regexp the alternatives offer. (i.e.
symbol table lookup etc.)

Language::Style - A bootstrap compiler/interpreter for a strongly typed
language that resembles python/eiffel/sather w/ typesafety, c++ish
syntactic sugar, xml integration and other toys. This version serves as
enough of an implementation for the the 'real' compiler to be written in
Style and compiled through this version.

Chart::Pie3d - Simplistic extension to Chart::Pie to render a hackish
but legible 3d pie chart. I'll have to look and see if the rest of the
Chart:: objects have been upgraded to expect GD to use pngs.

Name             DSLIP  Description                                 Info
---------------  -----  ------------------------------------------- ------
Parse::Lexer     adpOa  Conventional generator of lexical analyzers EKMETT
Language::Style  cdcOa  Interpreter/Compiler for the Style Language EKMETT
Chart::Pie3d     adpO?  3d Pie Chart Render                         EKMETT

I also have a couple of other submissions to put together, but they escape
me for the moment.

Edward A. Kmett, Ph.D
The Big Net, Inc.

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