>>>>> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:22:29 -0700 (PDT), Corris Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I have written a module I'm about to submit called
> Iff, it reads and writes any type of Iff file (Aiff,
> wav, riff, etc). It just extracts the data, it
> doesn't know what do to with it (it assumes the user
> knows what to do). I am also going to write another
> binary file format I can't tell you about yet.(it
> hasn't been approved/released yet).
> The reason I am sending this mail is that I think that
> these two modules should fit under a main namespace
> (like BinFile::, or Binary::), or maybe they don't.
> I wanted to get your opinions.
I cannot follow. A module that reads something into a datastructure is
often called Parser. So it might be Iff::Parser, or Music::Iff:Parser
to be more descriptive. The other format would need a separate parser,
I do not see what the two things have in common except that they are