Name: Rudolf Polzer Interface style: f Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] UserID: rpolzer Module I am planning to contribute: autodetection of modules DSLI: Mdpf Description: Autodetect of modules: find available module The idea came from a posting in comp.lang.perl.misc in the thread "dynamic creation of classes". After trying a little I thought: let's make a module that loads the first one in a list that exists. Since many CGI providers do not have a full Perl installation (often DB_File, Storable etc. are missing) but falling back to using SDBM_File and Data::Dumper where not needed shouldn't be done because of speed and space issues, I decided to write an autodetect module just in Perl (so it can be installed anywhere). Unfortunately I do not know which Perl version this requires; it works on 5.6.0 and does not use anything strange. It should work as long as eval "require CGI;" returns true if and only if there is a module CGI, so a 5.00x version should suffice. There is already a module 'AndDBM_File' which does exactly use this; this module is designed to be used for more than one purpose in the same program and even allows user-supplied module names (there are even checks for things like Module::Detect::Use 'CGI; `rm -rf /`' so that they do not blindly execute require CGI; `rm -rf /`; in eval() ). .