> [Quoting Armin Obersteiner, on March 28 2001, 18:53, in "CDDB_get.pm"]
> > hi!
> >
> > i have written a module: CDDB.pm or CDDB_get.pm
> >
> > it reads the TOC from an audio cd, then it reads the CDDB entry
> > from freedb.freedb.org. it can use a dircet socket mode, a http mode
> > with proxy if needed.
> >
> > i'd like to get it into the official namespace now that a few 1000
> > users exist, and other programs start to use it.
> >
> > it's hard to find a category, maybe:
> >
> > CD::CDDB.pm
> > Audio::CDDB.pm
> >
> > or maybe something else???
> I'd propose to split the functionality on two modules.
> Audio::CD::CDDB.pm would provide the function to read the CD and
> return its CDDB Id.
> CDDB.pm (Net::CDDB.pm?) would use this Id to retrieve the info.
if a split is necesasary it would be better to have something like:
Audio::CD::TOC.pm (read the toc - array of MSFs)
NET::CDDB.pm (calculate the id, request the info)
the id is nothing else, but the MSFs and a sum over the length of them.
the feature is to get the toc not to calculate the id :-)
but then again, is it usefull to split ...?
Armin Obersteiner
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