On Sun, Apr 15, 2001 at 05:27:38PM +0100, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Johan Vromans wrote:
> > [Quoting Matt Sergeant, on March 28 2001, 19:44, in "PAUSE ID request"]
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > We at AxKit.com would like to have an "AXKIT" PAUSE ID, if possible.
> >
> > Sorry, we do not provide IDs for companies and organisations.
> Yeah I think I knew this already. I talked about it with Andreas at the
> last perl conference, and I guess I'll have to discuss it again. There's
> really no reason for it, when the software being uploaded is open
> source, IMHO.
I think there is a reason for it. Each file on PAUSE is uploaded by
*a* person who's ultimately responsible for it. You don't have that with
files `owned' by a list -- you've thrown away the information of who did
the upload. Also, it's not too rare that a list to dissolves, but the last
person who left the list doesn't know that they're the last one to leave.
This makes it even harder to pick up dropped packages.
- Kurt