On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 08:07:39AM +0200, Raphael Manfredi wrote:
> Quoting Tim Bunce:
> : The Devel::* namespace is intended for modules that are not used
> : as part of the normal operation of a script.
> It's not too late for massive renaming, but it must happen quickly.
> I'm already at the final stage of releasing new modules that use
> Devel::Datum.
> There are already 3 internal projects in my company that use Devel::Datum,
> one of them being already in production.
> Please suggest a new namespace prefix.

Something in Data:: seems most obvious from the little I known of the module.
Perhaps Data::Datum. Data::Contract, Data::Assert etc.

> Raphael
> P.S: When Christophe and I asked for the namespace, nobody reacted.  I'm
> not using this as an argument, only as a post-scriptum, because I know
> people are busy, and that such practicess (reserving a namespace for
> a purpose) are important, and must be honoured by responsible people.

I appreciate your understanding.


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