
I have been noticing that the CPAN search site and possibly other 
module archives are not taking into account when distributions are 
deleted, and so our public listings are having an abundance of dead 

Taking for example my own author page, at 
"", there are 8 
distributions listed, but only 5 are valid and 3 of them haven't 
existed for months.

I am having a problem with the fact that visitors keep going to the 
author page where they see listings for modules that were deleted 
long ago, and when clicking on them get dead links.  And this can 
discourage them before they move on and click on other modules that 
still exist.

Similarly, I am finding that many modules belonging to other people 
are still listed in the directory or search results, and yet clicking 
on their names produces no results.

In related cases, I started off with my 17-18 modules in a single 
distribution, and over time divided them up or recombined them into 
new distributions as appropriate.  I delete old versions of my 
distributions as new ones become available, so people just use the 
new ones.

So at least my PAUSE directory is easy to keep clean with the deleting page.

But is it possible to have a utility for cleaning up our CPAN Search 
listings?  This would go a long way to making the directory more 

So has anyone else noticed this problem, and what do you suggest to resolve it?

Thank you,

// Darren Duncan

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