Hi guys!


Sorry for notifying you after actual upload, that won't happen again. In
the next couple of weeks we're planning to make changes to our
open-source e-commerce suite to convert it to a couple of CPAN modules
and scripts anybody can install from CPAN. Historically the
package name is Symphero (feel free to visit http://symphero.net/,
http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensymphero/ and our home site -

For quite a long time our modules and scripts used Symphero::*
namespace internally and it have never cause any conflicts - nobody use
that namespace yet. Although I expect it will be used when (and if)
third-party modules for our web-rendering engine will come to existence.

So, bottom line - we ask you to allow us to upload modules to CPAN
using Symphero::* namespace. Right now that means two already
uploaded packages: Symphero-Data (providing Symphero::MultiValueDB,
Symphero::MultiValueHash, Symphero::SimpleHash, Symphero::Utils) and
Symphero::Web (providing Symphero::Categories, Symphero::Objects,
Symphero::OrdersDB, Symphero::ProductsDB, Symphero::SiteConfig,
Symphero::Templates, Symphero::UsersDB).

In the next couple of weeks I expect addition of Symphero::Crypto with
cryptography extensions and Symphero::SOS with object oriented data
storage and manipulation modules.



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