
I'd like to release my module AppConfig::Std to CPAN.
This is a subclass of Andy Wardley's AppConfig module
(for defining and handling config parameters, from the
command-line, config file, etc).

The idea is to provide some basic standardisation for
perl scripts. It defines and handles 5 standard options:

        -help           display OPTIONS part of inline doc
        -doc            display all inline doc
        -version        display version of script
        -verbose        turn on verbose status/progress reporting
        -debug          turn on debugging output

It uses Pod::Usage to implement the -help and -doc options.

I mailed about it to module-authors, and got one response,
essentially "sounds good to me", from John Porter.
Andy's happy with this.

In terms of DSLI it's currently bdpO, but once released
would be RdpO :-)

If I hear nothing, I'll assume you've no objections and upload it.

He who adds not to his learning diminishes it.
                                -- The Talmud

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