hi there, name: barbee email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] preferred userID: BARBEE proposed contribution: Apache::CVS - an Apache PerlContentHandler for CVS at the moment, there are two major packages for putting a web interface on CVS: CVSweb and WebCVS. CVSweb is a single, 3000+ line CGI script written in perl and is largely self-contained. WebCVS is written in Python, in large part because the author didn't like the way CVSweb was implemented. the interface on WebCVS looks almost identical to that of CVSweb. Here are some of the ways Apache::CVS will be different: o it will be an Apache PerlContentHandler. o it will be small by taking advantage of the CPAN version control modules (CVSweb does not do this). o in later versions, it will return regular structures instead of printing HTML. this will allow others to chain other handlers and filters so they can create their own interfaces to CVS repositories. a functional sample interface will continue to be supported, probably as a separate module. the current work in progress is at a usable version will be ready in a week or two. barbee.