The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Tk::ObjEditor DSLI: bdpO description: Tk widget to edit data or objects userid: DDUMONT (Dominique Dumont) chapterid: 8 (User_Interfaces) enteredby: DDUMONT (Dominique Dumont) enteredon: Tue Feb 20 13:02:12 2001 GMT The resulting entry will be: Tk:: ::ObjEditor bdpO Tk widget to edit data or objects DDUMONT DDUMONT comments: This module name was discussed on PTK maling list. (BTW, the PAUSE register page does not mention who will get this mail ...) Cheers -- Please allow a few days until the entry will appear in the published module list. Parts of the data listed above can be edited interactively on the PAUSE. See Thanks for registering, The Pause Team